Sets of the Group Entities:
01: Section8 Cos / NPOs; Entrusted Foundations (02),
02: General Trading, L. L. C; (01),
03: Base for Overseas Representation/s (01),
04: HQs, Corporate & Glocal Group Representation/s (01),
05: Private Limited Companies (02),
06: LLPs = Limited Liability Partnerships (09)
07: F&Bs > > > Restaurants, (01) > > >
Sovereign, Envisioned, Self-Sustaining, Truly Disruptive & Revolutionary Biz-EcoSystems > > >
. . . . on steps since 1989, . . . still thru infancies, . . . infatuations, . . . steeps, shifts, gifts, > > >
sPartners in the Better Makings,
Facility Managers,
Consultants to the Consultants, . . .
with Series of Distinct Realtime Game-changing Ventures / Biz Movements, Sweeter Disruptions, the very Epochs; eagerly been awaited since times.
The Biz SSG of Cos & Brief Objectives of:
I: Section 8 Cos / NPOs, Not for Profits:
{Aid Startups, Commerce, Environ Guards, SciTech, Research, Social Welfare, Education, Arts, Sports, Religion, Charity (StartUps)}
01: सुविहिता विश्वसंपदा महाप्रतिष्ठानं
Suvihita VishwaSampada Foundations
Supportive Services Thrusts for the Globe & the Beyonds of,
02: सुविहिता भारतसंपदा महाप्रतिष्ठानं
Suvihita BharatSampada Foundation
Supportive Services, Thrusts for the Greater Indian Nation: Pro-India / Indians! India Special, India Specific & India Centric, reTailing, reTelling, rebranding, reSailing, rebuilding, rescaling, remarking India.
II: Pvt Ltd Cos:
01: सृजनी इंजिनीयरिंग सिस्टम्स
Srujani Engineering Systems
Since 2007. Engg Consultants, Infras & Facility’ Managers, Industrial Process Controls, Value Added Products’ / Systems’ Trading, Assemblies, Industrial Hardware / Software Support, Solutions, Services, Multi-streamed Engg & Tech, Biz, Projects, JVs
02: सुविहित सांतरिक्षं
Suvihit Saantariksham
Special Space Engines / Bounds of Aerospace for Explorations / Spacefaring, Governance, Policies, Animals’ & Plants’ Husbandries all over Life pushes elsewhere in the Solar Systems . . . , Spacefaring & Forms of Earthlings, Life Cradlings incubations into the space, . . . (Startup)
III: एल एल पी (LLPs)
(All Startups):
01: सुविहित खगोल मंडलं
Suvihit Khagol Mandalam
Study, R&D, Bounds of Astronomy-Space, Astrological, Earth Sciences, Astro-Aerospace Research, Ventures.
02: सुविहित सायुर्वेदाश्रं
Suvihit Saayurvedashram
All forms of HealthCares / Bounds of Life, Nature & Earth Services.
03: सुकृषी सर्वोद्द्योगं
Sukrushi Sarvoddyogam
Related to Real Greener Revolutions, Husbandries; all & only in aboriginal ways, Natural Farmings +++
04: सानंदातिथ्य असीम पर्यटनं
Saanandatitthy Asim Paryatanam
Redefined forms of Infras, Facilities, Hospitalities, Husbandries, Space Tourism & Related Services.
05: सहस्त्रोद्द्योगी बिज़ भूत
Sahastroddyogi Biz Bhoot
Biz Engines, Trains, Ventures, Partnerships, Attributions to Distinct Trades, JVs . . .
06: सुविहिता ई-वेंचर्स
Suvihita e-Ventures
Spheres of Exhaustive IT Plus expanses, Ecosystems, Solutions & Services for.
07:साकार संयानं
Saakaar Sanyaanam
Design, Engg, Manufacturing, assemblies of Special, Super Hybrid Vehicles / Engines, Super Aero-space Engines, Space Shuttles / Stations,
08: सर्वसार्व अर्थ्स डिफॉल्टर्स
SarvSaarv Earths’ Defaulters
“Mother Earth been Adopted!” Sets of Duties towards Mother Nature, Geo-Eco-Environs . . .
09: सुविहिता स्पर्ष बिज़ वेहिकल्स
Suvihita SPARSH Biz Vehicles
Services for biz including & beyond the Extents of Special Purposed Biz Vehicles, JVs, End to end Biz Supports, Solutions Services, Incubations,
IV: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय (Overseas Outfits):
01: सुविहिता जनरल ट्रेडिंग एल एल सी, दुबई; यु. ए. ई.
Suvihita General Trading LLC; Dubai
Since 2003 General Traders, Engineers, Project Consultants, Technocrats, Value Added Traders, Resellers, ImpXports, Techno-Commercial/Biz Interests / Regional Reps, Channel Partners, Dealers, Distributors, Supports Solutions / Services Providers, Process Controls, Applications & System Engineering, Design Developments of Products, Systems Hardware & Softwares for Industries, Value Adding Biz Partners, System Integrators Multi-Streams of Biz Ventures, . . . also as a basce for Overseas Biz Group Representations of SSG Cos;
02: फरसाण हाऊस रेस्टॉरंट, दुबई; यु. ए. ई.
Farshan House Restaurant, Dubai, U. A. E.
Since 2020. Well known, Authentic Indian, Pure Vegetarian, Special Quality. Indoor & Outdoor F&B Outlet. (Dining In, Parcels, Take Away / Delivery. Dishes / Items; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), Packages for the Families, Guests, Groups / Tourists, Ethnic, Desi Treats/ Street Foods; Fast Foods, Fusion-Foods, Sweets, Namkeens Chaats, Lassi, Ice Golas, Kulfis, Candies, Ts, Coffee, Soft Drinks, Juices, Pizzas, Sandwiches. Regular Suppliers to Homes, Hotels, Apartments, Eateries, including Renowned Restaurants, Cafes, F&B Outlets, Schools, Offices, Clubs, . . .
Conditionally Freely Leased-in Assets/Resources for SSG Cos’ Good Utilities
01: Entities / Bases: Udgir, India+Dubai, UAE; Biz Group Self-sustainable EcoSystems of 15 Cos.
a > Cos Not for Profits: 02 Section8 Cos / Entrusted Foundations as NPOs (in MH India)
b > Cos For Profits: 02 Pvt Ltd Cos, 09 LLPs (in MH India) &
c > 01 *General Trading, LLC, also as a Base for Overseas Representation/s,
d > 01 F&Bs >>> Pure Vegetarian Restaurant (in *Dubai-UAE)
>>> Group’s Combined Paid up Capital: 3.13 Cr+ / Dhs1.36M+ / US$380k+
02: 90% of the Core Biz Ownerships, in India, are absolutely Pledged to the Greater Indian Nation
03: Per above, upto 99% of revenues are duly Earmarked for the Glocal Betterments.
04: 10 + ~09+ =~19 Acres+ Farm Lands*** in a **village in KA long-termed, freely leased in only for Special Husbandries / Agri-Related Cultivations, In-house Projects & Good Developments; awaited for 03.5+ acres more to be added.
05: ~750Sq***+ Plot in the **village in KA, long termed, freely leased in for Co’s biz purposes.
06: 02Units, 2BHK together ~1700Sqft in Bangaluru@ congenial-eased, rent-reserved for Cos’ Biz. Also a part of a 3BHK being utilized for good purposes.
07: 4652Sqft+*** Plot long-termed, freely leased-in for Cos’ Registered Offices, HOs & Global HQs, Other Offices in the would be multipurposed, multistoried complex.
08: (Due claim formalities yet to begin) to be freely leased-in, a Hill / Mountain.
09: More Lands / Assets leased-in per contracts, are expected in similar ways.
*** These with registerd deeds have already been leased-in by the SSGroup of cos.
The Fullest / Part/s of Ownership/s, unless suitably & duly Pledged to SSG Cos, shall always be Retained by the Original Owners / Legitimate / Nominated Heirs/ Ultimate Beneficiaries, per Lease Out & Lease in Terms.
‘Eased-Assets leased-in’, are Extended Congenially / in Good Faiths, Selfless (& or Expressly Stated/a\ Agreed Accepted Terms, thereby) Supports, for serving beyond the Supreme National Intents / Interests & are exclusively reserved only for SSG’s in-house Biz utilities.
Further, strictly those shall never be offered as commercial-collateral/s either for sale or for any loan / deal with any Third Party involvement; no matter who, what, where, whensoever.
For each of those Universal / Global Citizens, whether on the earth or in the space, to whom India & Indian/s, thus the Human & Global Ethos / Indian Interests do matter, here are unique opportunities to be Integral, pro-active / active & or passive part/s of our Intents / Biz Entities.
| Earmarks | Outfits | Outfits’ Sets | Initiatives | Isometric Investments |
Suvihita SPARSH (Special Purposed Applications Re Specified & Honoured) Group
Proven Tracks Thru: Industrial Process Controls, Value Added Services, Engineering Applications, Consultancies, Technical, Commercial Electro-technical, Projects, Contracts, Infras / Utilities / Facilities, Supplies & Support for Products / Systems, Solutions, ImpExports, HSE, Biz Ventures, Partnerships, JVs . . . References :: Brands / Logos
|| sPartners in the better makings ||
Sovereign, Envisioned, ‘Self-sustaining Biz Ecosystems’ (Sets of Newer Breeds & Cultures of redefined Bizs / Ventures) as always ought to have been for & beyond the Globe
With a couple of revivals, newer startups are SSG’s Own ‘Sovereign, Envisioned Self-sustaining Biz Ecosystems’ are for & beyond the Globe (Uddyog-Vyavasaay-Vyaapaar-Vaanijjy-Vyavhaar): Diverse Expansive spheres of Trades, Biz Ventures, Professions, Projects, SciTechs, Engineering Innovations, Astronomy, Spacefaring, Special Vehicles, Space-Time Shuttles / Crafts, Animals’ & Plants’ Life Husbandries all over, Healthcares, Hospitalities, e-Ventures, IT+, Natural Farmings, R&Ds, Education / Training / Vocations, SPBVs, Biz Engines, Incubations, Environs & ons; Outfits for Profits & non-profits, all are Earmarked for the National & Global Causes > > >
Subharati Seva Skandh (Susesk) & handful initiatives by NPOs: Suvihita Vishwasampada Foundations & Suvihita Bharatsampada Foundation
Supportive Services for the Globe & the Beyonds of, Greater Indian Nation: Pro-India / Indians! India Special, India Specific & India Centric, Support activities of startups & own group of cos; Arts, Commerce, Science, Research, Education, Sports, Charity, Social Welfare, Religion, Environment Protection & likes of
SSG Spheres: Few among ongoing biz & newer startups are for Endorsements, Wisdoms, Directions, Spirits, Blessings, Well wishes Recommended References, Contributions from the one & all are always sought for the intended takes from esteemed Individuals / Groups / Biz Entities Incs from India & Globe with Absolute, Aboriginal, True, Supreme Indian = Universal Mindsets.
Syncs with Eternal & Realtime Valued Core Indian Values & Traditions, our entire ranges of Takes & Spheres are; with proven convictions of Own / Private, Corporate / Biz Governances, in true spirits of Supreme Greater Indian National / Global / Universal Interests / Purposes.
With Nation first & foremost motto, as a ProfessionalBizTrade Group, we are all Apolitical. Our views are firm & every of takes are for the betterment of overall life, in general.
For the sets of specified causes, purposes, the would be forms, very specially devised pathways & means for doing biz for beyond national & global interests, at the pars; we do invite the one & all active & or passive: Adaptive Learners, Positive, Creative, Constructive, Supportive Entities.
|| Suswagatam, Welcome ||
Selfless, Raised above the self always, Absolute Raashtrbhakt, Raashtr-Nishth, Karm-Dharm-Kartvy Paraayan, Centrally True Nationalists, Willing Volunteers, Honorary Supporters / Contributors, Various Professional Panel Members, Experts, Advisers / Statutory Auditors, Analysts, Critics, Economists, Advisors & Monitors;
Sponsors, Guides Observers, Watch-hawks-dogs, Supervisors, Independent Impartial / Third Party Eyes, all Due Diligence Evaluators / Auditors over our Performances
all are Welcome, minus controllers, no a control at all!
Due Riders are applied to/for our act/s, rights of non-disclosures of Details/Infos/Plans/ProjRefs
Our initial undertakings are from districts of Udgir, Latur, Kinwat, Nanded, Osmanabad, Solapur, Aurangabad, Beed, Hingoli, Jalna, Parbhani, Kalaburgi & Bidar; immediate next spells to be extended to the districts of Vikarabad, Sangareddy, Hyderabad, Kamareddy, Nizamabad, Nirmal, Adilabad each with a pilot project & further to every of the ‘inviting’ & or neighbouring or other districts / regions, states, across the nation & beyonds are high on our agendas.
Apart from Global HQs @ Udgir & Overseas Representations @ Dubai, UAE presently, we also have Camps / Bases / Panel Representations at: Latur, Nanded, Aurangabad, Pune, Kalaburgi, Bidar, Mahur, Vadodara, Bangaluru; more being added.
-: High on the agendas, ahead, are duly Registered & well planned >150 domains + many Runs (Drives, Takes, Initiatives . . . ) :-
Sets of a few dozens of in-house, better disruptions under developments, high-tech, innovative master minded, game changers, valued projects (will be much sought after by the entire globe) are all set to & shall be rolled out soon.
We have been working on & will be offering revolutionary solutions to crucial issues (‘with just little to no impact’ on the nature or associated natural eco-systems) just to name a few:
> > > Faster on the anvils
- Containment of most forms of disasters (both manmade & natural), Critical Situations,
- Redefined Public & Other Transport Systems & addressed associated issues along with,
- Projects / Resolves for Local / Regional National & International Crises
> > > Enhancements for
- Biz, Services, Trade & Commerce
- Powenergy Grids,
- Environmental Eco Systems
- Overall Global Life Related Eco-systems & Social Human Economy Engineering Enterprises
-:- Seeking Right Incumbants as Directors, Members / Partners from across the globe for Overall Biz Operations & Enhanced SPARSH UUBVs Incubations for Dedicated, Global Corporate Governance, Ethos, Works . . . -:-
- Directors (with & or without stakes) & members for each of the Section 8 Cos
- Value Adding / Investing Partners / Directors (active & or passive), for our overseas LLC base, also open for Biz JVs
- Directors & Members for each of Private Limited Companies.
- For each of the LLPs as many numbers of Value Adding / Investing Partners as possible
- Only Voluntary / Honourary Positions shall be by our calls with out any stakes / Investments
- Even Biz Houses / Groups can be aboard our platforms
National+Global Masterminds :: IFFANGPAT & WFFGAGPAT
Apart from would be more Directors / Members / Partners & Esteemed Valued HRs at the helms from across the globe, in many more ways & means, we shall have right entities aboard these platforms; ‘all absolutely dedicated to works’.
For the given challenges, huge scopes, right in the places, we do have Leverages of Collective Synergies, Spirits, Efforts, Resources, Networths of Valued Teams.
Thus, effectively swift, capable, readily willing, supporting & contributing, people from across the globe in great good numbers rightly engaged & focussed on the very Intents / Undertakings in the better makings.
Keen / Eager to know / join, let’s do interact !
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